
Saturday 23 March 2013

Calming Bottle

Bug is a bit emotional and very energetic. 
He's a 2 year old boy and it's not exactly easy being a parent of one of these!

Not much is working in the way of discipline right now. Time outs are still a bit of a joke to him - he thinks it's some kind of game. 

It's frustrating.

I'm experimenting with different techniques, trying to find something that clicks with him. I came across this idea on Pinterest from My Crazy Blessed Life and decided to use what I had on hand in my house to make it.  The basic concept...add water, glitter & glue to a clear container & use it as a time-out, calming tool.

Here's what I used:
2 empty Gatorade bottles left over from Daddy Ladybug's hockey game
2 - 4 oz bottles of clear glue (I used Elmer's Glue)
Green & Pink glitter Glue (about 2 oz of each was actually used)
Regular glitter (I used some larger silver glitter, and fine pink & green glitter)
Warm water
Super Glue

I washed the bottles well and added 4 oz clear glue, 2 oz glitter glue, about 1 Tbsp silver glitter & 1 Tbsp of the fine glitter for each bottle, then filled with warm water (warm water is important to make the glue melt). I shook each one very well and timed them to see how long it took for the glitter to settle - added more glue or water to make it about 5 minutes. Once I was happy with them, I glued the lids on with super glue...important step!

Bug likes his calming bottle. I guess time will tell if it actually works, but he likes to look at the glitter falling and wants to pack it around everywhere he goes. Lady likes her pink one too - she likes anything with sparkles! 

Here's to hoping this one sticks!


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