
Sunday 22 June 2014

My First Harvest

Just thought I'd share a little garden/yard update for those following along on my gardening journey. 

I worked really hard this spring to create something nice in the backyard from our basic builders "slap some dying turf on top of building waste and call it a yard". I hauled in soil and built a garden box and shed (that's enough work for one spring!). All that hard work is finally paying off...the neighbours are even noticing! I'm dying to put in flower beds, but I think I may have maxed out my creativity and energy for this year.

See My First Garden for the before pictures!

The garden is growing!

Today I harvested my very first bunch of veggies!

Lettuce, radishes, yukon gold potatoes and thai basil. Strawberries are pretty much decimated by slugs (must figure that one out for next year!) and the peas are almost ready!!! Gardening is a pretty exciting activity for a results oriented person like me!

And look, the lawn is looking amazing after all that work.

Now for a nice cold drink and a lawn chair!


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