
Saturday 12 July 2014

Rollkuchen & Watermelon

It's hot right now and who can resist fried dough and watermelon?! 

Rollkuchen is a traditional treat of fried dough served with watermelon slices. It's basically the Mennonite version of doughnuts. I was first introduced to Rollkuchen (and many other wonderful Mennonite dishes) from a dear friend and director at summer camp. She would make the staff these interesting dishes on our days off and when I married into a Mennonite family later in life, I learned to make them. We even have them when we're camping - Daddy Ladybug's family goes on a camping trip every summer to the Okanagan and each year we make Rollkuchen for a crowd of about 30 people (no small task). 


Oil for frying (I used vegetable oil)
3 cups Flour
1 tsp Salt
2 Eggs
1/2 cup Sour Cream
1/2 cup Milk
~1/2 cup Flour for kneading

Heat oil to 375F. I used an electric frying pan with about 3" of oil. 
Mix dry ingredients in a bowl. In a separate bowl, mix wet ingredients and add to dry. Mix well and add additional flour to knead to a soft dough that isn't sticky. Roll out about 1/4" thick and cut into long rectangles (about 4"x2"). Cut a slit in the middle and pull one side through the slit to make the twisty effect shown in the picture. 

Fry in oil until golden brown on both sides (turn once). Drain on paper towel and serve with delicious watermelon slices and your choice of toppings (some family favourites include: white sugar, powdered sugar, rogers golden syrup, pancake syrup, jam, honey).

A lovely summer treat!


1 comment:

  1. Yum, I think I need to make these tomorrow!
