
Monday 4 August 2014

Greek Hobo Pack (Foil Dinners)

Camping season is in full swing and we've just returned from a week-long camping trip with extended family. I didn't do much cooking on this trip (thanks nana ladybug!) so I don't have much to show for my week as far as food goes, but the weather is still really hot here at home and cooking inside is pretty much out of the question, so it was back to BBQ dinners. Here's the absolutely delicious creation I came up with tonight!

Greek Hobo Packs

(per person/pack)

1 Chicken Breast
1/4 cup Zucchini
3 Button Mushrooms, quartered
1/2 cup Red Pepper
3 small Red Potatoes, cubed
1 clove Garlic
3 Tbsp Onion, cubed
3 Tbsp Feta Cheese, cubed
1 slice Lemon
1 Sprig Rosemary

Combine ingredients in aluminum foil and wrap tightly. Cook on fire or BBQ (medium heat) for 20-30 minutes until chicken is cooked and potatoes are tender. Let sit for 5 minutes before opening packet (be careful for the steam!). 

Yum Yum Yum. 
I think I might make that again tomorrow!


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