
Wednesday 27 August 2014

Sunshine Hollandaise Sauce

I'm always disappointed with restaurant Hollandaise Sauce, I like mine with a little more zip. This one has a little tang and always leaves me wanting to lick the pot when I'm done!

Sunshine Hollandaise Sauce

1/2 cup Salted Butter (Room Temperature), cut in 3 equal parts
3 Egg Yolks, beaten
1 Tbsp Lemon Juice
1 Tbsp Water

Melt 1/3 of the butter in a warm sauce pan on medium-low heat. Mix egg yolks, lemon juice and water in a bowl and pour into sauce pan. Mix quickly with a whisk to incorporate butter, once it starts to thicken, add another 1/3 of the butter and mix while it melts, once sauce begins to thicken again, add remaining butter and stir with whisk until it melts and sauce thickens again. Remove from heat, season with pepper as desired, and serve immediately. If sauce gets too thick or curdles, add a Tbsp of hot water and whisk until smooth. To reduce the risk of curdling use a double boiler. 

Great with a Sunshine Benny, veggies, fish or poultry.


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